Saturday, November 30, 2013


Oh, wait. Never mind...

Growing number of scientists are predicting global cooling
 Russia’s Pulkovo Observatory: ‘We could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years’

‘Sun Sleeps’: Danish Solar Scientist Svensmark declares ‘global warming has stopped and a cooling is beginning…enjoy global warming while it lasts’

Prominent geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook warns ‘global COOLING is almost a slam dunk’ for up to 30 years or more

Australian Astronomical Society warns of global COOLING as Sun’s activity ‘significantly diminishes’

Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002

Liberals are nuts! 

They will also lie about anything if it will further their agenda.

No Nukes For You!

I find it hilarious that American liberals are hailing the US / Iran nuclear deal as “only fair” to Iran because “they have a right to nuclear energy like every other country” at the same time these same liberals have literally halted ALL nuclear power plant construction in the US (Of the 100 reactors now operating in the U.S., ground was broken on all of them in 1977 or earlier). 

Now back to the nuclear deal. They don’t have to stop enriching on all of their thousands of enrichment sites, or even tell us where all of them are located. They only have to stop enriching at those sites everyone already knows about. (LOL) Yet we've agreed to remove sanctions that will bring billions of dollars into their struggling economy.  

Yep, that should help avoid World War III. 

Liberals are freaking nuts.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

WARNING: Fake Websites!


After a recent wave of identify thefts, the FBI estimates there are over 500 fake Obamacare websites set up for the sole purpose of stealing your personal information. 

So protect yourself and remember:

The real web site is the one that doesn’t work.

The Lovely First Lady

You know, the one who goes on all those expensive vacations using your tax dollars. Such a fine example of sacrifice…

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A $600M website that doesn’t work sole-sourced to a company with a lousy track record and a top executive who’s a pal of the First Lady. 

Any questions? 

Let me answer them for you: It’s crony capitalism with racial overtones, and don’t bet against some of that money making it back to the Obamas.

ANNOUNCING! The Obamacare Veterinary Act

If you like your testicles, you can keep them.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

A HUGE Double Standard

“President Obama’s oft-repeated falsehood, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” — something the administration knew was untrue — would almost certainly be a textbook case of deceptive advertising, punishable under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, which prohibits “unfair or deceptive acts or practice in or affecting commerce.” This includes a “representation, omission or practice that is likely to mislead the consumer,” such that the consumer would be “likely to have chosen differently but for the deception.””  -National Review 

There’s more…

Definition of a Liberal

“A liberal is someone who doesn’t care what you do as long as it’s mandatory.”

A Dishonest Presidency

Opinion Writer  

By Marc A. Thiessen, Published: November 4, 2013

Washington Post

The Wall Street Journal broke the news this weekend that, even as President Obama was telling the American people they could keep their health plans, “some White House policy advisors objected to the breadth of Mr. Obama’s ‘keep your plan’ promise. They were overruled by political aides.”

Overruled by political aides? This is simply damning.

A fellow with the American Enterprise Institute, Thiessen writes a weekly column for The Post.

It’s not easy to get a lie into a presidential speech. Every draft address is circulated to the White House senior staff and key Cabinet officials in something called the “staffing process.” Every line is reviewed by dozens of senior officials, who offer comments and factual corrections. During this process, it turns out, some of Obama’s policy advisers objected to the “you can keep your plan” pledge, pointing out that it was untrue. But it stayed in the speech. That does not happen by accident. It requires a willful intent to deceive.

In the Bush White House, we speechwriters would often come up with what we thought were great turns of phrase to help the president explain his policies. But we also had a strict fact-checking process, where every iteration of every proposed presidential utterance was scrubbed to ensure it was both accurate and defensible. If the fact-checkers told us a line was inaccurate, we would either kill it or find another way to make the point accurately. I cannot imagine a scenario in which the fact-checkers or White House policy advisers would tell us that something in a draft speech was factually incorrect and that guidance would be ignored or overruled by the president’s political advisers.

This whole episode is a window into a fundamentally dishonest presidency. And the story gets worse. After Obama began telling Americans they could keep their plans, White House aides discussed using media interviews “to explain the nuances of the succinct line in his stump speeches.” But they decided not to do so, because “officials worried . . . that delving into details such as the small number of people who might lose insurance could be confusing and would clutter the president’s message.”

Yes, no need to “clutter” the president’s message with confusing details — like the fact that millions of Americans being told by the president that they could keep their plans were being knowingly misled.

Obama could easily have come up with another way to make his point accurately. He could have said “most Americans will be able to keep their plans.” Or he could have said, as his communications director Dan Pfeiffer put it on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday, “if you had a plan before the Affordable Care Act passed, [and] it hasn’t been changed or canceled, you can keep it” (which prompted McConnell spokesman Don Stewart to reply, “So . . . you can keep your plan — unless it’s been cancelled. Gee, thanks.”) That would certainly have been less powerful, but at least it would have been accurate.

But Obama didn’t say those things. He said, “If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.” That statement was clear, unequivocal and wrong — and Obama and his advisers knew it.

The president’s defenders are twisting around for ways to explain away his 16 words. The New York Times wrote in an editorial Sunday that “Mr. Obama clearly misspoke.” Misspoke? On 24 separate occasions? Sorry, the president didn’t “misspeak.” This was an premeditated deception. This wasn’t something Obama ad-libbed. It was a line in a presidential speech that was carefully reviewed by the entire White House senior staff. Obama’s political advisers were told by his policy aides the statement was inaccurate — but they decided to let Americans believe the falsehood.

Obama’s former chief speechwriter, Jon Favreau, told the Journal that the speechwriters were working to find ways to explain a complex policy and that the goal was “simplification and ease of explanation . . . while still being true.” Except what Obama said wasn’t true.

Every president faces the challenge of explaining complex policies in simple terms. But the quest for simplicity is no excuse for dishonesty.

Obama’s own advisers told the Journal that they knew those 16 words were untrue, but Obama kept on saying them — over and over and over again.

If that’s the case, then Obama didn’t misspeak.

He lied.


Friday, November 15, 2013

"Give Me Your Sandwich"

This six minute video goes back to the 2012 presidential campaign but it explains vividly how liberals have turned morality on its head. Send it to every knuckleheaded liberal you know… 

Give Me Your Sandwich

I've Changed: I'm No Longer a Birther

The American Who Fraudulently Portrayed Himself as a Foreigner

By Wayne Allyn Root

Oct 5, 2013

Many Americans suspect Obama was foreign born. They are wrong. Boy do I have a story to tell you. 

I believe Obama is a fraud. But it has nothing to do with his birth. Obama's critics have it all backwards. They are looking in the wrong place. He isn't a foreigner portraying himself as an American. He's an American who fraudulently portrayed himself as a foreigner. 

Months ago MSNBC television host Rachel Maddow spent 15 minutes on her national show calling me a "birther." I scratched my head. Because I'm not. Never have been, not for one minute. A "birther" believes Obama is a foreigner, not legally qualified to be president. I have never believed that. 

I've always believed that Obama is 100% American. There I've said it loudly. I'm a leading critic of the President, but I've always believed him to be American born. He is as American as PT Barnum. And he lies and exaggerates like P.T. Barnum too. While Obama is not a foreigner, he is a fraud. Let me tell you the REAL Obama story. 

In hundreds of media interviews, I've stated that even though Obama was my college classmate at Columbia University, Class of '83, and we shared the same majors (Political Science and Pre Law), I never saw, met, or heard of him. But the media has this story wrong too- I've never said that my conclusion is Obama did not go to Columbia. On the contrary, I believe Obama graduated Columbia and we are classmates. 

Where was he hiding for those Columbia years? My educated guess is he was smoking pot and attending communist meetings, plotting the downfall of America and capitalism. Don't laugh, it worked!

While that was just an educated guess, Obama's own autobiography backs me up- he personally admitted often attending Socialist Party meetings at Cooper Union in downtown Manhattan. With Obama, even your wildest guesses are often proven true.

But forget why he wasn't seen at Columbia, the real mystery is how he ever got into Columbia. Stay with me- because this ties into the whole "foreign born" story. 

I've believe I've pieced together what happened at Columbia and here it is. I believe that Obama, an American citizen, committed fraud by PORTRAYING himself as a foreigner, in order to gain almost impossible admittance to prestigious Columbia University (and probably Occidental and Harvard Law School as well). He lied and used fraud (misrepresentation) to weasel his way in. Is that really a crime? Ask convicted criminal Frank Abagnale, the real-life star of the hit movie and best-selling book, "Catch Me if You Can." Portraying someone you're not is called fraud, and punishable by years in prison. 

It doesn't take a psychology degree to figure out Obama's fragile mindset as a young man. He spent his youth living a fantasy, wanting desperately to be foreign-born and exotic, instead of just a normal American kid from a struggling single parent household. As a black teen with no dad, Obama undoubtedly faced racism and tough times. With help from mentors (like Frank Marshall, a communist and Bill Ayers, a terrorist) he learned to despise his country of birth (America). As a dreamer and loner he started to believe his own story of exotic birth, then used that fantasy (aka fraud) to gain admittance to both Occidental and Columbia. 

In too deep, he had no way out. Ironically, Obama, himself is the birther. He's the one who created the foreign-born storyline.

The fact the leftist media (Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart, Mother Jones, and others) are so frightened of me, confirms that I'm close to the truth. It explains why Obama sent the IRS to viciously attack me not once, but twice (I won 100% victories in both audits). I've gotten too close to both the Obama Columbia scandal and the Obama IRS scandal. The closer to the target, the greater the flack. 

Getting into an Ivy League University is extremely difficult and transferring in is virtually impossible. Every year 30,000 kids try to get into a college like Columbia. Only a small fraction are accepted (there were about 700 in our class of '83). The battle is cut-throat. Virtually all 30,000 are straight A students, have close-to-perfect SAT scores, and have achieved out-sized success at extracurricular activities too. 

Into that dog-eat-dog competition stepped Barack Obama, a young man with no achievements, except an exotic story of Indonesian upbringing. Obama could NEVER have gotten into Columbia out of high school and his odds of transferring in later were even worse. Last year Columbia accepted only three transfer students in the entire world. Three. And I guarantee you all three had amazing scholastic and achievement records from other Ivy League colleges like Harvard, Yale, or Princeton.

Obama had none of that. By his own admission he was a poor student who smoked pot, rarely attended class, and got mediocre grades, from Occidental (a good but not great college). His only chance of transferring into Columbia was a made-up story of being an exotic foreigner. 

It's pretty clear how Obama got into Columbia- I believe it was by lying. Obama was a smart kid, even then gave "great interview," and talked (lied) his way into Columbia as an Indonesian student, using his Jakarta grade school transcripts (and perhaps Passport/citizenship papers) as proof. Columbia probably asked very few questions. They were thrilled to have an Indonesian student to brag about. They got what they wanted- "diversity." 

That was Obama's edge that gained him admittance to the exclusive Ivy League world at Columbia and then Harvard Law School. But that also made him a fraud, who accepted admittance and foreign student aid under false pretenses. 

Since selling this fraudulent story had succeeded beyond his wildest imagination, Obama was emboldened. So, he used it again to sell a book. Remember I'm not guessing here. It's a fact that his book agent described Obama to publishers as "Born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia." There is physical proof of these exact words. Bleeding heart liberal Manhattan book publishers bought it hook, line and sinker. 

All of this lying and fraud based on a fantasy built an impressive  platform for young Obama. It got him the credentials he needed for a career in politics (Columbia, Harvard Law, professor at Chicago Law School). Next he used that platform to run for office. He won. Then, won again, becoming a U.S. Senator. People started touting him as a Presidential candidate. All the lies and P.T. Barnum-like self promotion had worked for Obama. Too well. Now he had a deep, dark secret to cover-up. 

His college records were his Achilles heel. He had to hide his tracks. His college records had to be sealed forever. Not because he was a foreigner and unqualified to be President, but because he was an American posing as a foreigner. That makes him a fraud unqualified to be President. 

I would love for Mr. Obama to release his college records and prove me wrong. But of course he won't…he can't. Because at the top of his college admissions transcript would be the two words that would destroy his Presidency and legacy: "Foreign Student."

No, I'm not a birther. I believe Obama is 100% American born. While never questioning his birth, I've been in the media nonstop for 5 years questioning his allegiance to America, American exceptionalism, and Judeo-Christian values. And I've exposed his plan (created by husband-wife professors Cloward and Piven at Columbia) to destroy capitalism by overwhelming the system with spending, debt, and entitlements. That purposeful plan is proven by facts- please see record spending, record debt, and record entitlements under Obama. This is all about a plan to destroy America carried out by an American posing as a foreigner.

Trust Is Gone

I have been broadcasting for 31 years and
writing for longer than that. I do not recall ever saying on radio or in print that a president is doing lasting damage to our country. I did not like the presidencies of Jimmy Carter (the last Democrat I voted for) or Bill Clinton. Nor did I care for the “compassionate conservatism” of George W. Bush. In modern political parlance “compassionate” is a euphemism for ever-expanding government.

But I have never written or broadcast that our country was being seriously damaged by a president. So it is with great sadness that I write that President Barack Obama has done and continues to do major damage to America. The only question is whether this can ever be undone.

This is equally true domestically and internationally.

Domestically, his policies have had a grave impact on the American economy.

He has overseen the weakest recovery from a recession in modern American history.

He has mired the country in unprecedented levels of debt: about $6.5 trillion — that is 6,500 billion — in five years (this after calling his predecessor “unpatriotic” for adding nearly $5 trillion in eight years).

He has fashioned a country in which more Americans now receive government aid — means-tested, let alone non-means-tested — than work full-time. 

He has no method of paying for this debt other than printing more money — thereby surreptitiously taxing everyone through inflation, including the poor he claims to be helping, and cheapening the dollar to the point that some countries are talking about another reserve currency — and saddling the next generations with enormous debts.

With his 2,500-page Affordable Care Act he has made it impossible for hundreds of thousands, soon millions, of Americans to keep their individual or employer-sponsored group health insurance; he has stymied American medical innovation with an utterly destructive tax on medical devices; and he has caused hundreds of thousands of workers to lose full-time jobs because of the health-care costs imposed by Obamacare on employers.

His Internal Revenue Service used its unparalleled power to stymie political dissent. No one has been held accountable. 

His ambassador to Libya and three other Americans weremurdered by terrorists in Benghazi, Libya. No one has been blamed. The only blame the Obama administration has leveled was on a videomaker in California who had nothing to do with the assault.

In this president’s White House the buck stops nowhere.

Among presidents in modern American history, he has also been a uniquely divisive force. It began with his forcing Obamacare through Congress — the only major legislation in American history to be passed with no votes from the opposition party.

Though he has had a unique opportunity to do so, he has not only NOT helped heal racial tensions, he has exacerbated them. His intrusions into the Trayvon Martin affair (“If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”) and into the confrontation between a white police officer and a black Harvard professor (the police “acted stupidly”) were unwarranted, irresponsible, demagogic, and, most of all, divisive.

He should have been reassuring black Americans that America is in fact the least racist country in the world — something he should know as well as anybody, having been raised only by whites and being the first (halfbreed) black elected the leader of a white-majority nation. 

Instead, he echoed the inflammatory speech of professional race-baiters such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

He has also divided the country by economic class, using classic Marxist language against “the rich” and “corporate profits.”

Regarding America in the world, he has been, if possible, even more damaging. The United States is at its weakest, has fewer allies, and has less military and diplomatic influence than at any time since before World War II.

One wonders if there is a remaining ally nation that trusts him. And worse, no American enemy fears him. If you are a free movement (the democratic Iranian and Syrian oppositions) or a free country (Israel), you have little or no reason to believe that you have a steadfast ally in the United States.

Even non-democratic allies no longer trust America. Barack Obama has alienated our most important and longest standing Arab allies, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Both the anti–Muslim Brotherhood and the anti-Iran Arab states have lost respect for him.

And his complete withdrawal of American troops from Iraq has left that country with weekly bloodbaths.

Virtually nothing Barack Obama has done has left America or the world better since he became president. Nearly everything he has touched has been made worse.

He did, however, promise before the 2008 election that “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
That is the one promise he has kept.

Prediction: Obamacare Will Be Repealed Well In Advance Of The 2014 Elections

Steven Hayward

Prediction: even if is fixed by the end of the month (unlikely), Obamacare is going to be repealed well in advance of next year’s election.  And if the website continues to fail, the push for repeal—from endangered Democrats—will occur very rapidly.  The website is a sideshow: the real action is the number of people and businesses who are losing their health plans or having to pay a lot more.  Fixing the website will only delay the inevitable.

It is important to remember why it was so important for Obama to promise repeatedly that “if you like your health insurance/doctor, you can keep your health insurance/doctor.”  Cast your mind back to the ignominious collapse of Hillarycare in 1994.  Hillarycare came out of the box in September 1993 to high public support according to the early polls.  This was not a surprise.  Opinion polls for decades have shown a large majority of Americans support the general idea of universal health coverage.  But Hillarycare came apart as the bureaucratic details came out, the most important one being that you couldn’t be sure you’d be able to keep your doctors or select specialists of your choice.  The Clintons refused to consider a compromise, but even with large Democratic Senate and House majorities the bill was so dead it was never brought up for a vote.

Remember “Harry and Louise”?  Obama did, which is why he portrayed Obamacare as simply expanding coverage to the uninsured, and improving coverage for the underinsured while leaving the already insured undisturbed.  But the redistributive arithmetic of Obamacare’s architecture could never add up, which is what the bureaucrats knew early on—as early as 2010 according to many documents that have leaked.  The wonder is that Obama’s political team didn’t see this coming and prepare a pre-emptive strategy for dealing with the inevitable exposure of the duplicity at the heart of Obamacare’s logic.  Now that people are losing their insurance and finding that they may not be able to keep their doctor after all, Obamacare has become the domestic policy equivalent of the Iraq War: a protracted fiasco that is proving fatal to a president’s credibility and approval rating.  The only thing missing is calling in FEMA to help fix this Category-5 political disaster.

Senate Democrats endangered for re-election will lead the charge for repeal perhaps as soon as January, after they get an earful over the Christmas break.  They’ll call it “reform,” and clothe it in calls for delaying the individual mandate and allowing people and businesses to keep their existing health insurance policies.  But it is probably too late to go back in many cases.  With the political damage guaranteed to continue, the momentum toward repeal will be unstoppable.  Democrats will not want to face the voters next November with the albatross of Obamacare.

The politics of the repeal effort will be a game theorist’s dream.  Tea Party Republicans will resist “reforms” to Obamacare in favor of complete repeal.  Democrats will try to turn the tables and set up Republicans as obstacles to reform, hoping to inoculate themselves prospectively from mayhem at the polls next November. The House might want to insist that the Senate go first; after all, it was the Senate version of the bill that the House had to swallow after Scott Brown’s election in January 2010.  The House can rightly insist that the Senate needs to clean up the mess they made.  Obama may well give Capitol Hill Democrats a pass on a repeal vote, and veto any bill that emerges.  He’ll never face the voters again.

This wouldn’t be the first time that a health care entitlement was repealed.  The same thing happened in the late 1980s with catastrophic coverage for seniors.  Because seniors were made to pay for their benefits under that scheme, the uproar forced Congress to repeal the measure barely a year after it went into effect.  Obamacare looks to be on the same political trajectory, and for the same reason.  Obamacare represents the crisis of big government; the limits of administrative government have finally been breached.  For the first time ever, some polls are showing a majority of Americans doubting the goal of universal health coverage.

The hazard of the moment is that a compromise “reform” that drops the mandate and attempts to restore the insurance status quo ante could leave us with an unfunded expansion of Medicaid and a badly disrupted private insurance market.  Republicans should avoid both the political traps and a new fiscal time bomb by being ready with a serious replacement policy, based on the premium support tax credit ideas that John McCain advocated (poorly) in 2008.  While anxious liberals are in dismay, they should recognize that Obamacare may well have achieved its chief purpose of making universal or at least greatly expanded health coverage a fixture of American social policy.  The cost to liberalism may prove fatal, however.

We can only hope...

George Will Nails It

                           George Will on President  Obama


America has had some great presidents, many mediocre ones and a few bad ones. But we’ve never had one like Barack Obama. He’s the first who thinks the job is beneath him.

He’s the first who turns political give-and-take into a crisis by refusing to negotiate with Congress.

He’s the first who thinks the way to more power is to inflict pain on ordinary people.

The move to barricade the World War II memorial reveals the mentality of a tin-pot dictator. The limited government shutdown did not need to affect the memorial because it is open 24 hours, without gates and often without guards.

But to turn public opinion in his favor, Obama’s goons trucked in barricades to keep out World War II vets and other visitors. By one estimate, the barricades and workers cost $100,000.

The same punish-the-people attitude led to shutdowns of other parks and historic sites that get no federal funding.

“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting,” a Park Service ranger told The Washington Times.

The ranger cited the order to close the parking lot at George Washington’s home in Mount Vernon so visitors couldn’t use it. The cheap trick captured the contrast between a revered president and the current one.

I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama. He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.

Now the shutdown has ended, it will bring only a temporary respite from the crisis atmosphere in Washington. When it comes to his countrymen, Obama always chooses conflict over cooperation.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter can rest easy. We have a new worst president.

I Didn't Know Background Checks Were Illegal

But apparently they are...provided you're black.


Obama calls racism on criminal background checks – Emily Miller
Not wanting to employ a criminal makes you a racist. At least that is what the Obama administration has determined to be law with a regulation made without congressional approval. Businesses are fighting the charge that not wanting ex-cons on the payroll is illegal discrimination. Read more:

Is There No Shame?

CGI FEDERAL, the company paid $290M by the Obama administration to create the website, has been granted at least five more government contracts totaling $7M since the site's problem-plagued launch Oct. 1.

"Who you gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes?" - Barack Obama

Obama denies ‘you can keep it’ videotaped promises 

Obama’s deceptive statements were deliberate and were intended to bolster Obama’s ability to get Obamacare passed in 2010 and him reelected in 2012, according to aides cited in a Wall Street Journal article Saturday.” 

Valerie Jarrett: The Mother of All Liars

Defining Obama

Jack Wheeler is a brilliant man who was the author of Reagan's strategy to break the back of the Soviet Union with the star wars race and expose their inner weakness. For years he wrote a weekly intelligence update that was extremely interesting and well structured and informative. He consults(ed) with several mega corporations on global trends and the future, etc. He is in semi-retirement now. He is a true patriot with a no-nonsense approach to everything. He is also a somewhat well-known mountain climber and adventurer.
Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, no balls, nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.
He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya . Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively.
What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is 'African-American,' the descendant of enslaved Africans brought to America chained in slave ships. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it.
Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of slaves, he is the descendant of slave owners. Thus he makes the perfect Liberal Messiah.
It's something Hillary doesn't understand - how some complete neophyte came out of the blue and stole the Dem nomination from her. Obamamania is beyond politics and reason. It is a true religious cult, whose adherents reject Christianity yet still believe in Original Sin, transferring it from the evil of being human to the evil of being white.
Thus Obama has become the white liberals' Christ, offering absolution from the Sin of Being White. There is no reason or logic behind it, no faults or flaws of his can diminish it, no arguments Hillary could make of any kind can be effective against it. The absurdity of Hypocrisy Clothed In Human Flesh being their Savior is all the more cause for liberals to worship him: Credo quia absurdum, I believe it because it is absurd.
Thank heavens that the voting majority of Americans remain Christian and are in no desperate need of a phony savior.
He is ridiculous and should not be taken seriously by any thinking American.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Socialism Brought Home

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An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama’s socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, “OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama’s plan”.. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A…. (substituting grades for dollars – something closer to home and more readily understood by all).

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.

The second test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. Could not be any simpler than that.

Here are possibly the 5 key points about such an experiment:
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Biggest Lie Ever Told by a Sitting President

"I think Obama's lie about keeping your insurance may be the biggest lie ever told by a sitting president. This is not an error. It was not a mistake. This was a calculated, purposeful lie. In 2010, in the Federal Register, it was written: The administration projected 93 million Americans would be unable to keep their health plans under Obamacare."  - Rush Limbaugh

The Idiots Who Elected Obama

"I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it.",0,2756077.story#axzz2iy4X0oW0


Start with Empty Narcissism...

Mix in a little bullshit from your top advisor… 

“I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. . . . He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. . . . So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. . . . He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.”  - Valerie Jarrett 

Is it any wonder this empty narcissist Barack Obama believes his own bullshit?


My Wish

A Black Box in My Car? Some Say it's a Source of More Revenue

My government believes they have the right to know everything I do every moment of my life, and the excuse is always the same: they need more of my money.

Personally, I’m waiting for my government to look me in the eye and say, “We’re sorry, we already take too much of your money and deliver far too little with it. We’re going to find ways to not only not ask for any more of your hard earned money but we’re actually going to cut back on what we take, find efficiencies and reallocate dollars to address all needs. We’re also going to stop trying to be all things to all people and return to our original charter of limited government.” 

I’m not holding my breath…


The Big Lie

The Promise:  

"If you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. No one will be able to take that away from you."  - Barack Obama 

The Truth: 

“In California, Kaiser Permanente terminated policies for 160,000 people. In Florida, at least 300,000 people are losing coverage. That includes 56-year-old Dianne Barrette. Last month, she received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield informing her as of January 2014, she would lose her current plan. Barrette pays $54 a month. The new plan she's being offered would run $591 a month -- 10 times more than what she currently pays.” 

The Spin: 

“Most people are going to keep their own plan.”  - David Axelrod 

The Only Acceptable Outcome:
“Axelrod’s rephrased guarantee comes as reports of millions of Americans losing their healthcare plans are rolling in. Last week, Senator Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) announced he would introduce the “If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep it Act,” which would allow people to keep their current plan regardless of the mandates of Obamacare.”

Defend THIS, Liberals!

“President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years. 

George Schwab, 62, of North Carolina, said he was "perfectly happy" with his plan from Blue Cross Blue Shield, which also insured his wife for a $228 monthly premium. But this past September, he was surprised to receive a letter saying his policy was no longer available. The "comparable" plan the insurance company offered him carried a $1,208 monthly premium and a $5,500 deductible. And the best option he’s found on the exchange so far offered a 415 percent jump in premium, to $948 a month.” 



This is Next...

What Are We Thinking??

I find it absolutely stunning that hardly anyone can see that Obama is trying to destroy American capitalism and our fundamental freedoms along with it...  

·         He doesn’t want Obamacare to work…he wants two things: he wants it to cripple the economy and he wants single payer as the replacement.

·         He doesn’t want the economy to recover…he wants to transform it to – at best – European Socialism and most likely pure Marxism.

·         He doesn’t care about jobs…he wants people to be dependent on the federal government (Food Stamps, Welfare, Disability and all other programs WAY up).

·         He doesn’t care about the national debt…it’s growth hastens our demise.

·         He doesn’t give a damn about free speech…unless you disagree with him, and then he does whatever necessary to silence you.

·         He couldn’t care less about the middle class…he wants more of our money through increased taxes so he can pull off the Daily Double: destroy the middle class by transferring wealth from it to the poor.

·         He doesn’t believe in compromise…he wants to crush his opposition and have a de facto dictatorship. 

And nobody seems to care… 

We are DONE as a great republic. Finished.